low stomach acid symptoms (hypochlorhydria):Causes, Treatment

Acid indigestion? Little-known truths you need to know. Health starts and ends with digestion—if we are not digesting properly then no matter how hard we try to give our body what it needs to heal and repair, the nourishment never gets to its destination. All those beautiful proteins, omega-3 fatty acids, fresh veggies chock full of vitamins and minerals… if they don’t get absorbed in the intestine, then health doesn’t improve—or only improves slowly. This can be very upsetting, especially to the person who is doing all the “right things.” The hidden digestive issues underneath a health problem. Improper digestion is actually a serious problem that needs to be investigated and solved. Last week’s post on leaky gut discussed the role of bacteria and other probiotic micro-organisms. Read that post for important details; key points are: eat foods that foster a healthy living climate for the probiotics who help digest your food; remove toxic food additives an...